******BOXING WEEK SALE!******
**Please enjoy this 30% discount to everything in my online store from Dec.26-Jan.2
***Simply punch in the coupon code at the time of purchase to redeem this discount.
**Coupon Code: boxingsale30
Note: This discount CAN be combined with my buy 2 get 1 free Card/Magnet Special as well.
... So go nuts! :)
Happy Shopping!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
(Click To Enlarge)
Don't let this tiny image leave any first impressions with this painting... at a whopping 6 x 2 feet this painting leaves quite the impression when viewed in person. Some of you from Revelstoke, BC may have seen this painting as it is currently displayed at Energy Matters in the window. So you may just know what I am talking about when I say (a lot like I do with most of my paintings ) it is a must see in real. :)
I work a lot with cropped images and am infatuated with magnifying particular sections of the image so size has everything to do with my work and the way it unleashes certain sensations when viewing.
Please come take a look because I am switching this painting up with a new "Blue Lady" by early next week.
Med: Acrylic Stain on Canvas
Size: 6 x 2 ft
Created: Sept/2010
As a Holiday Special 2010 if you email me with the title of this blog and your mailing information I will gladly send you a little package I have made up which includes a coupon for my online store, and a free art card with an envelope.
Happy Holidays!
Keishia Treber
Friday, November 26, 2010
The Best Sale Before Christmas!
To redeem this coupon use this coupon at the checkout point in my online store. And don't forget..store wide means STORE WIDE which means my paintings are on 10% off on my etsy site as well!
Happy Shopping!
Coupon Code: blackfriday
To redeem this coupon use this coupon at the checkout point in my online store. And don't forget..store wide means STORE WIDE which means my paintings are on 10% off on my etsy site as well!
Happy Shopping!
Coupon Code: blackfriday
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
"Begbie At Dusk" - Three Piece Painting
"Begbie at Dusk"
Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 5 x 2.5, 7 x 4, 5 x 2.5 ft.
Completed: September 2009
This is one of my most favorite memories from 2009. This commission I spent probably the most time I have ever spent on a painting. I normally work quite quickly, as I get very infatuated with each painting that I am just itching to get back to it. (this also consists of me working on about 5 paintings at once, but I jump from painting to painting constantly...it's the itch, the ideas just keep flowing!)
However, this painting was so massive and quite detailed which kept me very occupied for the better part of the summer in 2009. Thank goodness I had 4 room mates at the time which just loved to see my painting supplies scattered all over the living room and a massive 7 x 8 foot canvas on the wall all summer...All in all it was a wonderful learning curve working with such a large scale and I can't wait for the next XLarge Commission!
If you like large work I completed "Enlightenment" - a 7x4 ft landscape painting in March 2010, which I now have on display at Energy Matters in Revelstoke, BC. If you'd like to preview this painting it is on page 10 of my website gallery.
Now, here are some progress pictures of this massive painting! (As I look back now, I really enjoy the state that the mountain is in these progress pictures, it is very bold with the right amount of layers that give the mountain depth without the finishing details. Which is difficult because I love both styles very much!)
As you can see I could not back up far enough in my living room to get a full picture of this painting in progress.
Now looking back just 6 months ago I was working just fine by setting up my painting supplies in my living room. As much as I love having my own painting space where I can leave my supplies out and can work a lot faster, I really did love working in a space where anyone in the house could watch and to socialize with. I really do paint best when I am in a happy environment. I often paint while talking on the speaker phone to friends and family. :) I especially love to paint landscapes while on the phone which have so much flow and movement to them.
I hope this could give you an idea of the size of the painting, every picture that was taken during the hanging process was always angled up as the living room's ceiling was probably close to 25ft up from the ground. Can you imagine the impact of a bright triptych painting of Begbie would be in a clean cut modern home? It was quite the day, and quite the turn out!
Even though this picture makes the painting look small and I look large when comparing a 5'4 woman to a 7 ft painting....
Just remember...this living space is massive!
I think this commission was amazing... I just love to work this way!!
Bigger! Brighter!.. Begbie!
Thanks for reading... Lets hear your comments! :)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Autumn is probably my favorite time of year. A lot of people complain about how it's getting colder, how the days are getting shorter, and everything seems to be dying, but that is no way to look at this beautiful season! I live in Kamloops, BC and it is more dead and more cold here than I have ever been, and I love it! I love the weather here especially for my painting. The sunsets and sun rises are so stunning, I don't think I would have enough room on this entire blog to show you all of my photo's! So here are a few of my most favourites.
This image I took while driving on the highway towards Vernon, BC (the image has been played with in photoshop, and I unfortunately don't have the original anymore) However, below is my painting which I created with this photo in mind. I do a lot of traveling, and the road brings a lot of great memories to me.
"On the Road Again"
Med: Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
5 x 4 ft.
Another great sunset in Kamloops
These next few pictures are taken of a mountain called Mt. Begbie from my home town in Revelstoke, BC, which is luckily just a few hours from Kamloops
This image was taken at such an interesting time period as the leaves in town were all falling off and turning color and then the next day you look up at the mountain to find a first snow fall on the top of the mountain. No words nor photo can describe. Just amazing.
Below this image there is a painting I created of this particular image. It is a 4 x 4 ft painting, and belongs to my mother :) The painting is called "First Snow"
If you like this painting you can find folding cards with my signature on the back in my Etsy Shop under the section "Art Cards"
Just some more Autumn Colors, with some inspiration from the trees in BC.
Now lets hear your thoughts, please leave a comment.
Thanks for reading!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
(Click to enlarge)
Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 7 x 2.5 ft
Here's the original picture the inspiration came from. The image came from one of my sister's friend, Rileigh McKay who took this photograph of her friend Tiffany. When I saw this picture I was in complete awe, and instantly thought..."I've got to paint this!" ...now here it is!
The painting in comparison to the image is a bit different as I created the painting as a commission and the client who purchased this painting is from Saskatchewan, and fancy's brunettes :)
However the most important part of this painting is that it focuses on a wide open, very calm and collect feeling. I wanted to capture the poise the model has in this image because it is so captivating. The way Tiffany has herself with the guitar in her lap and her head turned with the sun hitting her skin is just so stunning. Also how the flowers and grasses are in focus in the front and the figure blurred in behind gives such a beautiful effect which really releases a very calm feeling when viewing it.
This is a magnificent photo! So much emotion!
So I hope you love my painting as well! :)
To view more of my fine art please take a look at my
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Feature Artist: Kristina Laurendi Havens
Kristina Laurendi Havens is an artist from Woodstock, North of Atlanta, in Georgia USA which I found when searching the wonderful world of etsy! Kristina focuses on figure painting in many different mediums such as, oils, pastel, charcoal, and watercolor. I wanted to feature this artist because I am so infatuated with working with figures, especially the curves of a woman and I find myself quite drawn to Kristina's style in her creations, and feel that our styles are similar, I will comment on her photo's below regarding this.
I went through her collection and picked out a few of my favourites, which I hope you all enjoy viewing.
To view more of Kristina's work here are some links below:
Kristina's Blog
Kristina's Etsy Shop
Make sure you take a look at this amazing blog, her top 5 art accomplishments in 2009!
Top 5 art in 2009
Beautiful wok Kristina! Absolutely Inspiring!
I went through her collection and picked out a few of my favourites, which I hope you all enjoy viewing.
To view more of Kristina's work here are some links below:
Kristina's Blog
Kristina's Etsy Shop
Make sure you take a look at this amazing blog, her top 5 art accomplishments in 2009!
Top 5 art in 2009
Notice how a lot of her figures are not gazing directly at the viewer, this is the type of figure that I focus on in my creations. It is amazing to find another artist with a similar style!
There is nothing I love more than the calmness this painting releases. The vivid blues, and complementary reds/oranges attract me the most, then you can see that the figure has all those colors creating a warm yet stand out white! Not to mention the proportions and the drawing it's self is stunning all on it's own, but with color it now pops!
The lines, the abstractions, and the vivid color in this painting draws me right in. The fact that the figure is somewhat abstracted is only that much more appealing to me, I then appreciate it that much more when I realize there is a figure among all the color and lines.
So much movement in this watercolor!
Look at how versatile this artist is!
This painting is particularly one of my favorites, and I now know why I am so attracted to it because this is a similar style which I would use in my figure works. In my work I focus on a particular part of the figure, eliminating any kind of direct gaze from the figure and focus mainly on the curves and body language which the figure portrays, along with color to direct the intended feeling when viewing the painting. You can see how different the image is from the painting, does it give you a totally different feeling when you look at one then the other?
Beautiful wok Kristina! Absolutely Inspiring!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
MY ART as A Novel's Book Cover!
I painted this book cover just over a year ago for a young 10 year old book author, Celeste Catena. Celeste has been touring around BC to host book signings at book stores such as Chapters, and even giving speeches at different elementary schools as well. Come and meet Celeste at her book signing in Kamloops at Chapters Bookstore on October 16th between 11am-1pm, and see my art on thousands of book covers!
To read more on Celeste's journey's visit her website by
Thanks for reading!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Feature Artist: Nora Karen
Nora Karen is a fashion designer for wedding and signature shoes.
When I first stumbled upon her website I was amazed by her talents, and common now... what more could a woman want than art that travels with you where ever you go! I immediately listed her as a favorite shop and have been keeping up with her new styles all the time.
So I decided that I needed to show all of you her talents, so with her permission I went through her website and picked a few of my very favorites (even though it was not easy as I love them all!)
So here they are! I hope you enjoy!!
To view more of Nora's work she welcomes you to her online boutique of one of a kind paintings on shoes, clothing, accessories and art. You can view and purchase her work on her etsy site by Clicking Here.
You can also contact Nora through a Convo.
Happy Shopping! :)
Acrylic Stain on Canvas
3.5 x 2 ft.
“Defiance" is part of a four piece set that was inspired by our world’s everlasting vintage fashions.
I painted this painting in April/2010 with the desire of creating a pop art type of style. I wanted to make the illustration as realistic and artistic in the brush stokes as possible with a very flat background to exceed the most amount of "pop" when viewing the painting in real. I accomplished this very effect by using a stain technique in the background, and much thicker brushstrokes in the figure. By using these techniques beside each other among the colors I chose it has created much depth in the painting. I am proud to say I am very pleased with these paintings as they turned out just the way I had imagined them! :)
Even though this painting looks like it is a gray scale painting on a pale yellow, it is actually painted with a titanium white, crimson (deep kind of purple-ish red), burnt umber, and phathlo blue to create a black and white look without using black at all. I love painting with color rather than black and white because it adds more depth to the painting, and since it is an image of a human it gives the figure a more realistic and warm appearance than it would if it was painted with the flatness of black.
Click To View Available Prints of this Painting
Please view my
Official Website
To see where the painting is currently on display.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Feature Artist: KChipman Photography
Katie Chipman Photogrpahy
Katie is a very talented and artistic photographer, her work speaks to you in a way that is breath taking. Since etsy, blogging, attending shows, and finding time in between everything else to create new work has taken over my life I have not been able to keep up with all of the new work other artists have been creating! However, I just recently got a message from Katie's photography group on facebook about some updates on her website so I thought I better take a look. And I am so happy I did! What a busy bee Katie has been!
I sifted through her photos and chose my favorites to show everyone... fantastic work Katie! Keep them coming! I hope everyone enjoys these pictures as much as I have!
You can view more of Katie's work on her website at:
Or her full collection of photography on her flickr site:
You can also join her facebook group by clicking on the link below to keep up with the latest news with her photography!
Have fun!! :)
Katie is a very talented and artistic photographer, her work speaks to you in a way that is breath taking. Since etsy, blogging, attending shows, and finding time in between everything else to create new work has taken over my life I have not been able to keep up with all of the new work other artists have been creating! However, I just recently got a message from Katie's photography group on facebook about some updates on her website so I thought I better take a look. And I am so happy I did! What a busy bee Katie has been!
I sifted through her photos and chose my favorites to show everyone... fantastic work Katie! Keep them coming! I hope everyone enjoys these pictures as much as I have!
You can view more of Katie's work on her website at:
Or her full collection of photography on her flickr site:
You can also join her facebook group by clicking on the link below to keep up with the latest news with her photography!
Have fun!! :)
Friday, October 1, 2010
"Glitsy" & "Glamy"
Acrylic on Textile
32 x 24 in.
Acrylic on Textile
32 x 24 in.
This is the type of painting that I fantasize about. The colors, the style, the flare, the subject, and the medium are all things that make me want to get up in the middle of the night, and skip a steak dinner just to paint!...In theory of course...
Although it is difficult to tell in the pictures, these two paintings were one of my first textile paintings created with a satin, and a shimmering iridescence type of material!!
I started playing with fabrics late 2009 and discovered a whole new flare in my creativity. In these particular paintings I layered two types of fabrics on top of each other. The first fabric was a satin fabric in a greyish blue tone, then on top I stretched a very sheen organza material that shimmered gold one way and blue/green/gold when turned the opposite way. As you can imagine it was difficult to capture this type of material and the painted image altogether with a camera... So I hope I have explained it well enough that you can get the right idea...in any case it was very intriguing, and especially interesting to paint on! This painting was very much about the brush strokes as the two different fabrics layered upon each other made a very odd textured surface and the paint would get caught underneath the first fabric and a lot of the time create it's own "brush stroke". As soon I started this painting I was floating on cloud 9, creating a mess and not exactly knowing where the painting is headed is when my best skills come into play. There is nothing I love more than discovering something new, and figuring out how to make it Perfect-o! So you can imagine the amount of mess I create on a daily basis. :)
I am very proud to be able to talk about these paintings and have them on display in my blog as they sold quite quickly when they were available for purchase last year.
The reason why I choose these paintings for my blog tonight is because I have came back to this technique again in the paintings I am working. At the moment I have a few in my studio that are on their way to completion. So stay tuned for more textile paintings!
...However...just to keep your mind wandering here is another one of my textile paintings below, which is a lot different from the two paintings above as this one is a very textural painting on a very sleek, grayish/mauve satin material. I currently (9/29/10) have this painting, along with many others, on display at Awesome Blossom in Kamloops, BC
...Happy Viewing!
Acrylic on Textile
2x1 ft.
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
New Work!
(click to view full size)
"Begbie Blues"
"Begbie Blues"
Acrylic on Wood
24x6 in.
First off I would like to apologize to all of my readers for the delay on blog updates. I got the creative bug in me and I have been such a busy bee these past few months, so now I am going to post a whole bunch of NEW work and catch everyone up with what's been going on in the life of Keishia Treber as an artist! So get ready for a blog you can't resist! :)
So to catch everyone up I will do it month by month:
-Purchased and moved into brand new townhouse, which I have to say the best part about it is that I now have my own studio in my house which I can not be afraid to make a mess in! :)
-Joined Art First Cooperative which is a gallery in Revelstoke, B.C. that is made up of 16 of the region's best LOCAL artists. Since April I have sold numerous paintings from the gallery, and have had a Grand Opening Party, and a Fall Artist Auction. I will post when our next opening will be.
-I am very proud to announce this one: I recently got accepted to have my very first SOLO SHOW at the Gallery in Kimberley, B.C. in March 2011. Though a small town, Kimberley's art gallery is at a large scale. Inside it has beautiful log house feel with bright white walls and warm honey colored wooden pillars. The solo show will have a feminine theme to it as my show falls on the month where Kimberley has their annual "Woman's Celebration" where they focus on Women! I will keep everyone updated on the show details closer to the date.
-Traveled to Halifax, and came back with miles of inspiration and awe of it's beauty!
Sunset inspired paintings yet to come...
-Opened up my Art to the world on Etsy, you can take a look at my site from this link here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/keishia
***If you have never heard of Etsy before it is a online venue where you can shop for Vintage and Handmade Goods from entrepreneurs like myself, from all over the world. You will never have a dull Christmas or Birthday gift again. Happy Shopping!! :)
-Put up a couple new paintings in a venue in Kelowna, B.C. at a very talented Tattoo Shop called "Gas Pedal's Custom Tattoo" Check out their website for a look at their amazing drawing talents! www.gaspedalstattoo.com
-Re-arranged all my new work that I have been working away at all summer in all my venues in Kamloops, Revelstoke, and now Kelowna! Please take a look at my website to see where each painting is on display.
Note: If you are interested in a painting and it is not on display where it is says, please message me, it could be sold, or I could have recently moved it to another location.
Now, here is what you have all been waiting for!
Enjoy! :)
...And thank you again for all of your patience all summer long, I hope it was well worth the wait :)
(click to view full size)
Acrylic on Canvas
7x4 ft.
Acrylic on Canvas
4x2.5 ft
Acrylic on Canvas
4x2.5 ft
Acrylic on Canvas
4x2.5 ft
Acrylic on Canvas
4x2.5 ft
Stay Tuned as I will talk about these paintings in future blogs :)
Thanks for viewing some of my new work...more to come!
Keishia Treber
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
"Revelstoke's Vert"

Art First! is a artist run co-op made up of 16 of Revelstoke's best Artists. I am honored to be a part of this co-op and proud to present the opening on April 3rd 2010! With limited space the opening is by inventation only, but is open to the public April 4th!
This painting will be displayed in the gallery among many others of mine. Please come and take a look at what this gallery has to offer! Located in Revelstoke on 1st street right across from Energy Matters.
I also have another opening in Kelowna, April 1st 2010 at 7pm as well. This opening is for the annual U8 show, at the Sopa Gallery. This is a unique show where you will need to get there early as there is a line up down the block because all of the artwork is priced under $800. I will have one large painting displayed so come check out the madness, and support the emerging artists!
Happy Easter!
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